
+34 91 708 99 35 (8:00 a 17:00 horas)

The Unit

The Pediatric Onco-Hematology Unit of the HM Group, led by Dr. Blanca López-Ibor, M.D., is part of he Montepríncipe HM University Hospital, in Boadilla del Monte, Madrid. It shares its technical and human infrastructure with the CIOCC (Clara Campal Oncological Integral Center) and with HM Hospitals. It was opened on October 2nd, 2006 and is the result of the interest of Dr. Carmen Cidón and Dr. Juan Abarca in joining the services of a tertiary hospital with the specific care of children and teenagers who have been diagnosed with cancer or other severe oncological diseases.

Who do we take care of?

We take care of children and teenagers from 0 to 18 years old from all health insurance companies as well as from civil service mutual services (MUFACE, MUGEJU) and private patients.

Diseases we treat

We treat hematological and oncological diseases.

We take care of children and teenagers from 0 to 18 years old from all health insurance companies as well as from civil service mutual services (MUFACE, MUGEJU) and private patients.

What is our philosophy?

Children and their families constitute the focus of our work.

Multidisciplinary team: With a team of qualified professionals who follow current therapeutic guidelines and with the goal of minimizing the side-effects and the complications that derive from treatment. Team

Availability: We are available 24 hour a day, 365 days a year. CONTACT

Comprehensive healthcare: We integrate the disease into the ordinary life of children and families from a physical, psychological, social and spiritual point of view. Psychosocial


Objectives and results

  • Achieving the highest possible healing ratio. Minimizing side-effects and complications of treatment.
  • Coordinate the work of the entire team of professionals staff work in a coordinated manner so that the child receives the diagnostic and therapeutic services he/she needs at any given moment.
  • Utilizing the latest scientific and technological advances and transfer them to the clinical practice.
  • Integrating the disease into the daily life of children and families.
  • Providing a comprehensive care of children, ensuring their medical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing during the treatment.

After more than 25 years of experience in treating childhood cancer, the results in terms of survival are comparable to those from the Spanish Register, as is seen in the upper chart. 

The bottom chart shows the improvement in childhood cancer survival in the past 30 years.

What do we do it for?

Our goal is not only to achieve the highest possible healing ratio but also that survivors of childhood cancer become healthy adults in the four area of the human being: physical, psychological, social and spiritual.